Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization (OCISO) | Embracing diversity, building community | Apprecier la diversité, forger la communauté
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Logo of OCISO



OCISO is the lead organization within the Eastern Ontario region in delivering innovative mentorship programs to support you on your journey of securing employment within your profession, to guide you within the initial months of employment to maintain employment and advance within your career.     

We have all experienced within our lives a person of influence who has guided us, provided advice, and helped us grow as a person in our endeavours. OCISO’s mentorship programs, with over 18 years of experience incorporate this approach, supporting you as a newcomer to Ottawa through matching you with a seasoned professional.   

Our diverse group of mentors are ready to support you to become the best version of yourself, to help you achieve your career goals, increase your knowledge of the Canadian workplace specific to your profession and build upon your networks.

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