Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization (OCISO) | Embracing diversity, building community | Apprecier la diversité, forger la communauté

As part of our capacity building project with Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI) for the past year, we have been in contact with the Positive Spaces Initiative (PSI) team, who will deliver training to OCISO staff on sexual and gender diversity.

Last year, OCISO employees were surveyed in which areas they felt strong and/or weak when serving clients who identify as LGBTQIA+.  In the meantime, the senior management team worked on an organizational self-assessment and looked at its policies, procedures, programming and evaluation to determine which areas can be improved.

In this live training session, participants will gain an understanding of appropriate terminology and language use, common barriers and issues faced by LGBTQIA+ newcomers in their access to settlement services, and basic strategies to address some of these challenges and barriers.

OCISO is committed to create inclusive and LGBTQIA+ positive workplaces.  (This is a closed event.)


OCASI-PSI was developed by the OCASI to share resources and increase organizational capacity across the sector to more effectively serve LGBTQIA+ immigrants, refugees, and newcomers. This initiative is funded by Immigration Refugee Citizenship Canada (IRCC) under the Professional Development and Training stream. 

OCASI was formed in 1978 to act as a collective voice for immigrant serving agencies and to coordinate responses to shared needs and concerns. Its membership comprises more than 220 community-based organizations in the province of Ontario.


We are pleased to invite you to the OCISO Annual General Meeting (AGM). Although we cannot gather in a more traditional way, such as an in-person meeting, we look forward to welcoming you in a virtual space.

Our online AGM will take place on Thursday, October 20, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.

🗓️ October 20
⌚ 6:00 pm


If you would like to attend, please register for the AGM on Eventbrite by October 13.



Only OCISO members in good standing can vote at the AGM. For information about how to become an OCISO member, please visit to learn about different membership options and their associated benefits.

We look forward to seeing you on October 20!


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