Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization (OCISO) | Embracing diversity, building community | Apprecier la diversité, forger la communauté
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Career Mentorship

Career Mentorship Program

Career Mentorship
Become a mentor
Become a mentee
Events / Workshops

How does mentorship work?

The Career Mentorship Program supports internationally educated professionals to obtain employment in their field (non-regulated). Clients are matched with a volunteer Career Mentor working in the same or a related field. Mentors and mentees meet weekly. During these meetings, the mentor will offer guidance and support with respect to: 

  • Developing career objectives
  • Canadian workplace language, culture, and etiquette
  • Employment research strategies
  • Employer engagement strategies
  • Networking opportunities – Informational meetings, Networking events, Professional associations, etc.
  • Employment application preparation
  • Resume, cover letter & interview preparation
  • Overall guidance and encouragement

Make an impact. Become a mentor.


  • Provide us your Vulnerable Sector Check or a valid security clearance obtained in the last five years. If you don’t have either of them, we will support you in the process of getting your Vulnerable Sector Check from the police office.
  • Attend a mandatory orientation session after which you may attend professional development training free of charge.
  • Meetings occur weekly for approximately one hour at an agreed upon time and location. The mentor is asked to commit a minimum of three months to the mentoring relationship.
Career Mentor Application

If you are interested in becoming a Mentor,  please contact:

Become a mentee

For more information or to register please contact:

Events / Workshops

For more information or to register please contact:


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